What is staking?

Staking is the process of locking KLX tokens on the chain as a mean of securing the entire Kalima network. For doing so, stakers will earn rewards.

The Kalima Blockchain is a Delegated Proof-Of-Stake (DPoS) blockchain. KLX tokens can be self-delegated directly by a validator or a Validation Pool or delegated to a Validation Pool by KLX holders (delegators).


What are Delegators?

Delegators are KLX holders who cannot, or do not want to, run a validator themselves. KLX holders can delegate KLX to a validation or master pool and obtain a part of their revenue in exchange. Stakers will be able to delegate their stake only to validation and maser pools.

For details on how revenue is distributed, see “Validation Pools- Rewards and Delegation” in this document.


Minimum requirements for Delegators

A minimum of 100$ worth of KLX is necessary for staking within a given validation pool. Note that a small transaction fee of (~0.00025$) will have to be paid to execute the staking smart-contract.


How to delegate KLX?

To delegate KLX, holders will have to meet the requirements to delegate (see above)

When a KLX holder decide to delegate, his KLX will be randomly split between the different validation nodes and master nodes. In other words, delegators will not choose themselves the validation pool in which they want to delegate their KLX. The Kalima Protocol will attribute each stake in a random way. This mechanism will help the decentralization in the network and will prevent one validation pool to have too much staking power and centralization in the network.



What is the pre-bridge staking

Before the bridge of the KLX token from an ERC20 to the native KLX on the Kalima Mainchain, KLX holders will be able to stake their KLX.

From the listing of the ERC20 in early 2023 to the launch of the Kalima MainChain, holders of the ERC20 KLX will be able to stake their KLX.

Staking your ERC20 tokens will help to build and secure the Kalima Blockchain network, by creating a strong staking pool for the launch of the Kalima Mainchain. During that period of time stakers will earn reward based on the amount of KLX staked.

The annual percentage yield for this pre-bridge staking wil be 6%.


How to participate in the pre-bridge staking

To participate holders in the pre-bridge staking holders of the ERC20 KLX will have to stake their tokens during the pre-bridge period.

The lock-up period will be 18 months and the minimum staking amount will be 250.000 KLX with an APY of 6%


Staking Rewards

Validators who produce a block are rewarded with tokens, and they can share rewards with their delegators. Both validators and delegators can stake their tokens on-chain and receive staking rewards at the end of each epoch. The staking system pays out rewards equally to all validator pools regardless of the total stake. This avoids the centralization of power to a few validators. However, having more stake in proportionally to other stakers in that same validation pool, influences the number of rewards the staker receives.

In other words, the rewards are equally distributed between validator pools. But within each pool, rewards will be proportionally distributed between stakers (or delegators), with regard to their stake.



The unstaking process on Kalima is quite straightforward. After a user has staked their tokens, they can choose to unstake them at any time. The user must “Unstake” his token on the network. An unbounding countdown of 28 days will begin, after which the user will be able to use their tokens how they see fit. Once the 28-day unstaking period is over, the user can retrieve their tokens in their wallet and use them how they see fit.



Once the unstaking period of 28 days is over, a user will receive their KLX back into their wallets, along with the accumulated rewards within that epoch. The user will then be able to stake to any other listed validation pools.


Minimum staking requirements

A minimum of 100$ worth of KLX is necessary for staking within a given validation pool.

Note that a small transaction fee of (~0.00025$) will have to be paid to execute the staking smart-contract.



If a staker finds himself in a validation pool that has failed to validate a block, they will not see their right to stake taken away, however,


Reward Distribution Example

In this example :

      • 100 validation pools having each 10 validation nodes and 2 Master nodes

The reward for 1 block is :

      • 1 KLX for a Master Node

      • 0,1 KLX for a validation node

Let’s say that each validation pool has, for example, 20% of KLX staked in its own pool (self-bonded tokens)

For the Reward process, the tokens are evenly spread among validation pools. The reward for a validation pool is:

      • 2*10 KLX = 20 KLX for the Master nodes

      • 10*0,1 KLX = 1KLX for each block for the Validation nodes

The commission is 5% for validation pools.


Validation Pool Reward:

The 21 KLX of reward for one block is distributed as followed :

      • Commission is 5%*80% of the reward: 5%*80%*(20KLX+1KLX) = 0,84KLX

      • Validation pool Reward is: 20% of the reward (self-bonded tokens)  + Commission rate : 20%*(20KLX+1KLX) + 0,84 KLX = 5,04 KLX

      • All delegators in the pools gets: 80% of the reward - Commission: 80%*(20 KLX+1KLX)- 0,84 KLX = 15,96KLX


Staker's reward: 

All delegators (stakers), in the pool will share the reward of 15,96 KLX in this example.

Each delegator can claim their part of the 15,96KLX in proportion to their stake in the validation pool.

This process is repeated for each block in the Kalima Blockchain.